Yesterday(Thursday, July 1st, 2010)I went to Eclipse with one of my friends Stephanie. We met there and watched the movie. The point is: many people have been saying that "Eclipse is Hilarious!" "It's the best of the three." etcetera etcetera. But I strongly disagree. I don't see how they like it so much when it's barely anything like the book. All the books that are made into movies are horribly terribly mixed up, jacked up, ruined! I just don't understand how people can like them. I admit, it had humor in it here and there but read the book and you'll find nothing except for the plot alike. It is certainly NOT the best of the three... new moon is. Taylor Lautner didn't even look that hot in this movie. (There's a shocker for some girls out there.)
Some other movies that I got really mad at are all the Harry Potters so far and the lightning thief. The directors are taking the books and twisting them around makeing different things happen making the plot worse. In the lightning thief, not even ONE scene was from the book. (I would know, I've read the book about 5 times)That made me and my friends mad. I hope you get my point.
Note to Directors: Please stop ruining all the good books out there
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