I still remember the day we went to Wal-Mart in Alaska. It was cloudy and everyone was hungry when we spotted the one and only Wal-Mart there is in Alaska. And to our luck it has the one and only Subway in it! After eating our foot-long sandwiches, we go and look around. I need to get myself some souvenirs and my friends are expecting a little Postcard or something. So we go to the souvenir section. I get a Alaskan Rubic's Cube, a stuffed Alaskan Huskie, a key chain, 3 book marks, 2 bears, 1 turtle, (all statues of course), and a dream catcher.
When we get back from Alaska, I immediately go and put the dream catcher above my bed. Of course, I still want to see dreams. I love having dreams. But I really didn't believe that dream catchers worked. Boy, was I wrong.
I woke up the next day and I couldn't remember dreaming at all. Same with the next day. Same with the next day. And so on. I got frustrated. SO frustrated, because, I can't remember my dreams. I run to my room, jump on my bed, and take down the dream catcher. But I can't keep it in my room! Where am I going to put it? I go outside and spot an idle nail sticking out of the wall above our office door. I grab a chair and step up on it and hang the dream catcher there. From then on I have remembered my dreams, and lived in peace.
What's the lesson: Dream Catchers work! Be aware.
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